+, -, *, /, ^, %, :=, #, sqrt, evalf, Digits, interface, assume, showassumed

evalb, whattype, Pi, I, infinity, true, false, =, is

surd, ln, RealDomain, trunc, frac, round, convert, sprime, nextprime, ithprime, ifactor,seq

combine, expand, factor, collect, simplify, sort, verify(..., equal), solve, Student[Precalculus][CompleteSquare], macro

coeff, op, degree, sort, factor, convert(..,horner,..), divide

numtheory[cfrac], convert, normal,
normal(..,expanded), numer, denom

fsolve, evalf, solve, x[i]:= ..;

minus, union, intersect, subset, nops, subsop, ListTools, MakeUnique

isolate, solve, _EnvAllSolutions, x:= 'x'

f(x):= ...;, subs, f:= x -> ...;, diff, D, unapply, plot, plot[options]

sin, cos, tan, simplify, combine, expand, convert(.., degrees), convert(.., radians), alias, about

for .. from .. to .. do .. od;, diff, D@@i, f||i

if .. then .. else .. fi;, fsolve(Gleichungssystem), round, min, max, lhs, rhs

Verwendung von Einheiten

proc(..) .. end;, abs, Re, Im, argument, polar, evalc, complexplot


seq, piecewise, type, odd, even

plots, display

animate, pointplot, display (Bildfolge);, op

expand (Gleichung, Term);, factor (Gleichung), print

Sum, rsolve, collect

signum, printf (...);

and, or, type (..., boolean);

Student[Calculus1][ExtremePoints], plot[options]

for .. from .. by .. to .. do .. od;, series, eval, evalf

diff, fkt:= '...';

has, RETURN, ispoly, break, FAIL

plot3d, implicitplot

diff (f(x), x) = ..;, dsolve

DEtools, DEplot

solve, sort, int

textplot, evalf (Int(f(x), x = ..));

Sum, sum

solve ({seq (..)}, {..});

geometry, point, triangle, drawlokale und globale Variablen

proc(..) local .. end;

S:= (m,b)->...;, solve(gln,{m,b});

Statistics, CurveFitting, ScatterPlot, LeastSquares, randomize, rand(..)();, map

while (...) do .. od;

taylor, Int


rightbox, leftbox, rightsum, leftsum

time(), P.anz:= [x, y];, pointplot

plottools, cuboid, arrow, display[options]

geom3d, LinearAlgebra, Norm, Normalize, DotProduct, CrossProduct

LinearAlgebra, Matrix, Multiply, Transpose, MatrixInverse, Row, Column, Determinant

array, denom, insolve, LinearSolveassign

point, line, intersection, draw, AreSkewLines, distance

plane, parallel, Equation, AreParallel, ArePerpendicular, distance, FindAngle

draw, intersection, coordinates

midpoint, AreCollinear, IsOnObject

triangle, PerpendicularLine, PerpenBisector, EulerLine, HorizontalCoord, VerticalCoord

sphere, IsTangent, IsOnObject, draw [options], solve (Bedingung, ..);

tubeplot, sphereplot, plot3d

op, eliminate

stats, round, binomial(n,k), [[,],[,],[,],[,]] als Rechteck

for .. in [..] do .. od;, xor, implies, printf