Umrechnen von Zahlen
// DecToAnyBase (c)2007 dh
var rows = 1;
var o = new Array(8);
var oNode = new Array(8);
var dnum = 0;
var b = 0;
o[0] = "0"; // Schritt
o[1] = "2005"; // z
o[2] = "2"; // bpot
o[3] = "true"; // bpot <= z
o[4] = "0"; // code
o[5] = ""; // ziffer
o[6] = ""; // ergebnis
o[7] = "true"; // bpot > 1
function DecToAnyBase (dnum, b) {
var bpot = b;
var z = dnum;
var code = 0;
var ziffer = ""
var ergebnis = "";
while (bpot <= z) {
bpot = bpot*b;
o[0] = ""+rows;
o[2] = ""+bpot;
if (bpot > z) o[3] = "false";
do {
bpot = bpot/b;
code = Math.floor(z/bpot);
// 10 -> A; 11 -> B; u.s.w.
var codeplus55 = String.fromCharCode(code + 55);
var codeplus48 = String.fromCharCode(code + 48);
ziffer = (code > 9) ? codeplus55 : codeplus48;
ergebnis = ergebnis + ziffer;
z = z - code*bpot;
o[0] = ""+rows;
o[1] = ""+z;
o[2] = ""+bpot;
o[4] = ""+code;
o[5] = ""+ziffer;
o[6] = ""+ergebnis;
o[7] = (bpot > 1) ? "true" : "false";
} while (bpot > 1);
return ergebnis;
function calc() {
while (rows > 0) {
dnum = 1*document.getElementById("e_dnum").value;
b = 1*document.getElementById("e_b").value;
if (dnum < 0) {
dnum = 0; document.getElementById("e_dnum").value = "0";
if (b > 36) {
b = 36; document.getElementById("e_b").value = "36";
if (b < 2) {
b = 2; document.getElementById("e_b").value = "2";
o[0] = "0";
o[1] = ""+dnum;
o[2] = ""+b;
o[3] = (b <= dnum) ? "true" : "false";
o[4] = "0";
o[5] = "";
o[6] = "";
o[7] = "true";
ergebnis = DecToAnyBase (dnum, b);
ausgabe ("resultat", dnum + " [10] = " + ergebnis + " [" + b + "]");
function newRow() {
otd = new Array(8);
for (n=0; n<8; n++) {
otd[n] = document.createElement("td");
oNode[n] = document.createTextNode(o[n]);
row = document.getElementById("tab").insertRow(rows);
for (n=0; n<8; n++) row.appendChild(otd[n]);
var defaultNode = document.createTextNode("");
function ausgabe (ST, out) {
// gibt den Wert von out an einer bestimmten Stelle im Dokument aus
with (document.getElementById (ST)) {
outNode = document.createTextNode("");
appendChild (defaultNode);
replaceChild (outNode, document.getElementById(ST).firstChild);
outNode = document.createTextNode(out);
appendChild (defaultNode);
replaceChild (outNode, document.getElementById(ST).firstChild);
var rows = 1;
var o = new Array(8);
var oNode = new Array(8);
var dnum = 0;
var b = 0;
o[0] = "0"; // Schritt
o[1] = "2005"; // z
o[2] = "2"; // bpot
o[3] = "true"; // bpot <= z
o[4] = "0"; // code
o[5] = ""; // ziffer
o[6] = ""; // ergebnis
o[7] = "true"; // bpot > 1
function DecToAnyBase (dnum, b) {
var bpot = b;
var z = dnum;
var code = 0;
var ziffer = ""
var ergebnis = "";
while (bpot <= z) {
bpot = bpot*b;
o[0] = ""+rows;
o[2] = ""+bpot;
if (bpot > z) o[3] = "false";
do {
bpot = bpot/b;
code = Math.floor(z/bpot);
// 10 -> A; 11 -> B; u.s.w.
var codeplus55 = String.fromCharCode(code + 55);
var codeplus48 = String.fromCharCode(code + 48);
ziffer = (code > 9) ? codeplus55 : codeplus48;
ergebnis = ergebnis + ziffer;
z = z - code*bpot;
o[0] = ""+rows;
o[1] = ""+z;
o[2] = ""+bpot;
o[4] = ""+code;
o[5] = ""+ziffer;
o[6] = ""+ergebnis;
o[7] = (bpot > 1) ? "true" : "false";
} while (bpot > 1);
return ergebnis;
function calc() {
while (rows > 0) {
dnum = 1*document.getElementById("e_dnum").value;
b = 1*document.getElementById("e_b").value;
if (dnum < 0) {
dnum = 0; document.getElementById("e_dnum").value = "0";
if (b > 36) {
b = 36; document.getElementById("e_b").value = "36";
if (b < 2) {
b = 2; document.getElementById("e_b").value = "2";
o[0] = "0";
o[1] = ""+dnum;
o[2] = ""+b;
o[3] = (b <= dnum) ? "true" : "false";
o[4] = "0";
o[5] = "";
o[6] = "";
o[7] = "true";
ergebnis = DecToAnyBase (dnum, b);
ausgabe ("resultat", dnum + " [10] = " + ergebnis + " [" + b + "]");
function newRow() {
otd = new Array(8);
for (n=0; n<8; n++) {
otd[n] = document.createElement("td");
oNode[n] = document.createTextNode(o[n]);
row = document.getElementById("tab").insertRow(rows);
for (n=0; n<8; n++) row.appendChild(otd[n]);
var defaultNode = document.createTextNode("");
function ausgabe (ST, out) {
// gibt den Wert von out an einer bestimmten Stelle im Dokument aus
with (document.getElementById (ST)) {
outNode = document.createTextNode("");
appendChild (defaultNode);
replaceChild (outNode, document.getElementById(ST).firstChild);
outNode = document.createTextNode(out);
appendChild (defaultNode);
replaceChild (outNode, document.getElementById(ST).firstChild);